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Situation: Using batchscript to retrieve certain values from a JSON.
I've got the following batchscript:


@ECHO off

ECHO Enter npo.nl program-url :
SET url=
SET /P url=
:: http://www.npo.nl/buitenhof/03-05-2015/VPWON_1232766/POMS_VPRO_850040 for example
FOR /F "tokens=6 delims=/" %%A IN ("%url%") DO (
    FOR /F "delims=" %%B IN ('curl.exe -s http://e.omroep.nl/metadata/aflevering/%%A ^| jq.exe -R -r -s ".[1+index(\"^(\"): rindex(\"^)\")]"') DO (
        FOR /F "delims=" %%C IN ('ECHO %%B ^| jq.exe -r .start') DO SET ss=%%C
        FOR /F "delims=" %%C IN ('ECHO %%B ^| jq.exe -r .eind') DO SET to=%%C
        FOR /F "delims=" %%C IN ('ECHO %%B ^| jq.exe -r .tijdsduur') DO SET t=%%C
        ECHO Start:    !ss!
        ECHO End:      !to!
        ECHO Duration: !t!

What does it do?
Upon having entered a npo.nl program-url, the first for-loop strips the url down to the prid:POMS_VPRO_850040. In the second for-loop curl.exe retrieves the JSON...:

它有什么作用?在输入npo.nl program-url后,第一个for-loop将url删除到prid:POMS_VPRO_850040。在第二个for循环中curl.exe检索JSON ...:

parseMetadata({"STATUS":"OK","VERSION":"1.11.12","prid":"VPWON_1232766","titel":"Schuim & As","aflevering_titel":"","info":"Schuim & As met Jelle Brandt Corstius","ratio":"16:9","medium":"tv","gidsdatum":"2015-05-03","tijdsduur":"00:05:27","start":"00:23:13","eind":"00:28:40","url":"","webcast":1,"images":[{"size":"640x480","ratio":"4:3","url":"http:\/\/images.poms.omroep.nl\/image\/sx480\/c640x480\/606030.jpg"},{"size":"720x405","ratio":"16:9","url":"http:\/\/images.poms.omroep.nl\/image\/sx405\/c720x405\/606030.jpg"}],"omroepen":[{"naam":"VPRO"}],"pubopties":["adaptive","h264_bb","h264_sb","h264_std"],"tt888":"ja","serie":{"srid":"VPWON_1232748","serie_titel":"Buitenhof","serie_url":null},"sitestat":{"baseurl":"http:\/\/b.scorecardresearch.com\/p?c1=2&c2=17827132&ns_site=po-totaal","programurl":"uitzendinggemist.publiekeomroep.ondemand.tv.buitenhof.20150503","programurlpost":"category=uitzendinggemist&thema=informatief&po_source=video","baseurl_subtitle":"http:\/\/nl.sitestat.com\/klo\/po\/s","subtitleurl":"uitzendinggemist.publiekeomroep.ondemand.tv.player.tt888.buitenhof","subtitleurlpost":"category=uitzendinggemist&po_source=video&po_sitetype=webonly"},"reclame":"http:\/\/pubads.g.doubleclick.net\/gampad\/ads?_COOKIE_&impl=s&gdfp_req=1&env=vp&output=xml_vast2&unviewed_position_start=1&sz=_sz_&correlator=_correlator_&iu=\/9233\/_site_\/buitenhof&url=_url_&cust_params=genre%3Dinformatief%2Cnieuws%2Factualiteiten%26dur%3D3284%26prid%3DVPWON_1232766%26srid%3DVPWON_1232748%26player%3D_player_","streamSense":{"episode":"buitenhof","program":"buitenhof","station":"nederland_1","sitestatname":"uitzendinggemist.publiekeomroep.ondemand.tv.buitenhof.20150503","sko":"TRUE","sko_dt":"20150503","sko_pr":"buitenhof","sko_stid":"1","sko_ty":"tv.seg","sko_prid":"vpwon1232766","sko_t":"1210","sko_cl":"3284"}})

...and sends it through a pipe to jq.exe which removes the non-JSON-data parseMetadata( and ) //epc and leaves the single line intact. This is for 2 reasons: 1) with non-JSON-data present we can't process anything, and 2) for-loops process only 1 line at a time.
The subsequent jq.exe's retrieve values for the specified objects without double quotes.
As long as curl.exe and jq.exe are in the same directory as the batchscript, or in the %path%-variable, this is working all fine:

...并通过管道将其发送到jq.exe,这将删除非JSON数据parseMetadata(和)// epc并使单行保持不变。这有两个原因:1)当存在非JSON数据时,我们无法处理任何内容,2)for循环一次只处理1行。后续jq.exe检索指定对象的值,不带双引号。只要curl.exe和jq.exe与batchscript位于同一目录中,或者在%path%-variable中,这样就可以了:

Start:     00:23:13
End:       00:28:40
Duration:  00:05:27

Now I want to call curl.exe and jq.exe from another map. One with spaces in it:


SET curl="C:\map with spaces\curl.exe"
SET jq="C:\map with spaces\jq.exe"

@ECHO off

ECHO Enter npo.nl program-url :
SET url=
SET /P url=
:: http://www.npo.nl/buitenhof/03-05-2015/VPWON_1232766/POMS_VPRO_850040 for example
FOR /F "tokens=6 delims=/" %%A IN ("%url%") DO (
    FOR /F "delims=" %%B IN ('%curl% -s http://e.omroep.nl/metadata/aflevering/%%A ^| %jq% -R -r -s ".[1+index(\"^(\"): rindex(\"^)\")]"') DO (
        FOR /F "delims=" %%C IN ('ECHO %%B ^| %jq% -r .start') DO SET ss=%%C
        FOR /F "delims=" %%C IN ('ECHO %%B ^| %jq% -r .eind') DO SET to=%%C
        FOR /F "delims=" %%C IN ('ECHO %%B ^| %jq% -r .tijdsduur') DO SET t=%%C
        ECHO Start:    !ss!
        ECHO End:      !to!
        ECHO Duration: !t!

For the 2nd for-loop this causes problems:


'C:\map' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

While 'ECHO %%X ^| %jq%' does work, it seems '%curl% ^| %jq%' doesn't. So for some reason things go wrong as soon as 2 variables in a pipe are parsed.

而'ECHO %% X ^ | %jq%'确实有效,似乎'%curl%^ | %jq%'没有。因此,出于某种原因,只要解析了管道中的2个变量,就会出现问题。

Well, no more pipe then:


SET curl="C:\map with spaces\curl.exe"
SET jq="C:\map with spaces\jq.exe"

@ECHO off

ECHO Enter npo.nl program-url :
SET url=
SET /P url=
:: http://www.npo.nl/buitenhof/03-05-2015/VPWON_1232766/POMS_VPRO_850040 for example
FOR /F "tokens=6 delims=/" %%A IN ("%url%") DO (
    FOR /F "delims=" %%B IN ('%curl% -s http://e.omroep.nl/metadata/aflevering/%%A') DO (
        FOR /F "delims=" %%C IN ('ECHO %%B ^| %jq% -R -r -s ".[1+index(\"^(\"): rindex(\"^)\")]"') DO (
            FOR /F "delims=" %%D IN ('ECHO %%C ^| %jq% -r .start') DO SET ss=%%D
            FOR /F "delims=" %%D IN ('ECHO %%C ^| %jq% -r .eind') DO SET to=%%D
            FOR /F "delims=" %%D IN ('ECHO %%C ^| %jq% -r .tijdsduur') DO SET t=%%D
            ECHO Start:    !ss!
            ECHO End:      !to!
            ECHO Duration: !t!

Now curl.exe and jq.exe each in a for-loop. At first this seems to work fine. The 3 values are echoed, but then things go wrong:


parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 5

parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 5
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 5
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 5
Start:    00:23:13
End:      00:28:40
Duration: 00:05:27

Like I said before; for-loops parse and process only 1 line at a time. The non-JSON-data //epc on the 2nd line causes the for-loop to start over, which goes horribly wrong as you can see. That's the reason for the pipe between curl and jq in the code above. To output 1 single line to process. Sadly that didn't work either...sigh.

就像我之前说的那样; for-loops一次只解析和处理1行。第二行上的非JSON数据// epc导致for循环重新开始,如你所见,这非常错误。这就是上面代码中curl和jq之间管道的原因。输出1个单行进行处理。可悲的是,这也无济于事......叹息。

Of course using temporary files is a last resort when curl and jq are still in a map with spaces in it, but I prefer to use variables, so I'm trying to solve the pipe-issue. I've tried 'usebackq' in the for-loop using backticks around the command instead of single-quotes for instance, but to no avail.
So far I haven't found a solution. Does anyone have an explanation for this behaviour and how to solve it?


2 个解决方案


Thanks to Dave Benham's answer on a related issue I've found the solution!
It appeared to be a specific FOR /F bug in WinXP, and guess what, here I'm still on WinXP. To fix the main offender, the curl-pipe-jq-for-loop, I had to put ^" in front of and after the entire command. Thus the entire batchscript, which I've also further improved:

感谢Dave Benham对相关问题的回答,我找到了解决方案!它似乎是WinXP中一个特定的FOR / F错误,猜猜是什么,这里我还在使用WinXP。为了修复主要攻击者,curl-pipe-jq-for-loop,我必须在整个命令之前和之后放置^“。因此整个批处理脚本,我也进一步改进了:

@ECHO off

:: NPO JSON-extractor geschreven door Reino Wijnsma, 2015 (reino@degeelebosch.nl)

SET batchname=NPO JSON-extractor
SET version=1.1
TITLE %batchname% %version%

SET curl="C:\map with spaces\curl.exe"
SET jq="C:\map with spaces\jq-1.5rc1.exe"

IF EXIST %curl% (
    IF EXIST %jq% (
        GOTO Input
    ) ELSE (
        ECHO 'jq.exe' niet gevonden.
        GOTO :eof
    GOTO Input
) ELSE (
    ECHO 'curl.exe' niet gevonden.
    GOTO :eof

ECHO Voer npo.nl programmalink in :
SET url=
SET /P url=
:: http://www.npo.nl/buitenhof/03-05-2015/VPWON_1232766/POMS_VPRO_850040 bijvoorbeeld
IF "%url%"=="" GOTO :eof

FOR %%A IN ("%url%") DO (
    FOR /F "delims=" %%B IN ('^"%curl% -s http://e.omroep.nl/metadata/aflevering/%%~nxA ^| %jq% -R -r -s ".[1+index(\"(\"): rindex(\"^)\")]"^"') DO (
        ECHO JSON:
        FOR /F "delims=" %%C IN ('ECHO %%B ^| %jq% .') DO ECHO %%C
        FOR /F "tokens=1-3" %%C IN ('ECHO %%B ^| %jq% -r "[.tijdsduur,.start,.eind] | @tsv"') DO (
            ECHO Tijdsduur: %%C
            IF NOT "%%D"=="" (
                SET ss=%%D
                SET to=%%E
                SET /A "_ss=((1!ss:~0,2!-100)*3600)+((1!ss:~3,2!-100)*60)+(1!ss:~6,2!-100)"
                SET /A "_to=((1!to:~0,2!-100)*3600)+((1!to:~3,2!-100)*60)+(1!to:~6,2!-100)"
                ECHO Start:     %%D (!_ss!s^)
                ECHO Einde:     %%E (!_to!s^)
GOTO Input

Important notes for future reference:


jq-syntax:           jq -R -r -s  '.[1+index("("):   rindex(")")]'
cmd-shell:           jq -R -r -s  ".[1+index(\"(\"): rindex(\")\")]"
for-loop:           'jq -R -r -s  ".[1+index(\"(\"): rindex(\"^)\")]"'
for-loop (path): '^"%jq% -R -r -s ".[1+index(\"(\"): rindex(\"^)\")]"^"'

- For the cmd-shell you have to escape the double quotes with a line-feed \.
- While 2 of the closing parenthesis are part of jq's syntax, the 1 between double quotes is not. So when in a for-loop, to prevent this for-loop from closing, you'd have to escape this one with a ^.
- When jq's executable path is put in a variable with double quotes, to circumvent a WinXP bug, you'd then also have to put the entire command between ^", because the parenthesis are now considered special characters! This workaround is compatible with Vista and beyond. (See also DosTips.com)

- 对于cmd-shell,您必须使用换行符\来转义双引号。 - 虽然两个右括号是jq语法的一部分,但双引号之间的1不是。所以当在for循环中,为了防止这个for循环关闭,你必须用^来逃避这个。 - 当jq的可执行路径放在带双引号的变量中时,为了规避WinXP错误,你还必须将整个命令放在^“之间,因为括号现在被认为是特殊字符!这种解决方法与Vista兼容以及。(另见DosTips.com)


Without being able to test it, I suggest to try your batch code as written below:


@ECHO off
SET "curl=C:\map with spaces\curl.exe"
SET "jq=C:\map with spaces\jq.exe"
ECHO Enter npo.nl program-url :
SET "url="
SET /P "url="
:: http://www.npo.nl/buitenhof/03-05-2015/VPWON_1232766/POMS_VPRO_850040 for example
FOR /F "tokens=6 delims=/" %%A IN ("%url%") DO (
    FOR /F "delims=" %%B IN ('"%curl%" -s http://e.omroep.nl/metadata/aflevering/%%A') DO (
        FOR /F "delims=" %%C IN ('ECHO %%B ^| "%jq%" -R -r -s ".[1+index(\"^(\"): rindex(\"^)\")]"') DO (
            FOR /F "delims=" %%D IN ('ECHO %%C ^| "%jq%" -r .start') DO SET "ss=%%D"
            FOR /F "delims=" %%D IN ('ECHO %%C ^| "%jq%" -r .eind') DO SET "to=%%D"
            FOR /F "delims=" %%D IN ('ECHO %%C ^| "%jq%" -r .tijdsduur') DO SET "t=%%D"
            ECHO Start:    !ss!
            ECHO End:      !to!
            ECHO Duration: !t!

The difference to your code is the position of the double quotes on assigning a string to an environment variable.


The command set is usually used with the parameter variable=value whereby this entire string is the parameter.

命令集通常与参数variable = value一起使用,整个字符串就是参数。

The command

SET "curl=C:\map with spaces\curl.exe"

puts the entire parameter of command set into double quotes. As a result the environment variable curl is defined with string C:\map with spaces\curl.exe without double quotes assigned to it.

将命令集的整个参数放入双引号中。因此,环境变量curl使用字符串C:\ map定义,其中spaces \ curl.exe没有分配双引号。

As an extra bonus of using double quotes on entire parameter string of command set, usually not visible trailing spaces and tabs at end of command line are now ignored.


But using

SET curl="C:\map with spaces\curl.exe"

results in a completely different behavior. The entire parameter variable=value of command set is now not enclosed in double quotes. As a result of the different position of first double quote in the line the command set creates now the environment variable curl with assigning the string "C:\map with spaces\curl.exe" to it with the double quotes and with including perhaps also existing spaces and tabs at end of the command line.

导致完全不同的行为。整个参数变量=命令集的值现在不包含在双引号中。由于行中第一个双引号的位置不同,命令集现在创建环境变量curl,并使用双引号将字符串“C:\ map with spaces \ curl.exe”赋值给它,并且可能还包括命令行末尾的现有空格和制表符。

The batch code below copied into a batch file and executed demonstrates the differences:


@echo off
set "Var1=String with spaces and "double quotes""   
set Var2="String with spaces and "double quotes""
set Var3="String with spaces and "double quotes" and 3 trailing spaces"   
echo Var1=#%Var1%#
echo Var2=#%Var2%#
echo Var3=#%Var3%#

Character # on output of the 3 variables is used to display where the assigned strings really start and end.


The output is:


Var1=#String with spaces and "double quotes"#
Var2=#"String with spaces and "double quotes""#
Var3=#"String with spaces and "double quotes" and 3 trailing spaces"   #

There are 3 trailing spaces at end of line defining Var1, but they are ignored as the double quotes enclose the entire parameter string of command set.


There are no trailing spaces on line defining Var2, but all 4 double quotes are now part of the assigned string and not just the two double quotes around double quotes part of the string.


And last the line defining Var3 has also 3 trailing spaces which are also assigned to the variable which is very often not wanted on command lines referencing the value of the environment variable.


So best is to use always set "variable=value" even if whether variable name nor value contains a space. This notation is simply a protection against invisible trailing spaces or tabs being also assigned to the environment variable.

因此,即使变量名称和值是否包含空格,最好使用始终设置“variable = value”。这种表示法只是一种保护,可防止不可见的尾随空格或制表符也分配给环境变量。

As curl.exe with path containing spaces is now assigned to the environment variable curl without the double quotes, it is necessary to use the double quotes around the complete string containing %curl% which is here simply "%curl%". Same is true for %jq% as being not used inside a longer string and therefore always just "%jq%" can be used.


One last hint: Debugging of batch files is often quite simple. Changing first line from @ECHO off to @ECHO ON or removing/commenting first line results in execution of batch file with showing also what is really executed by command line interpreter. The error in code can be often quickly found now by looking on the command lines processed.

最后一个提示:批处理文件的调试通常非常简单。将第一行从@ECHO更改为@ECHO ON或删除/注释第一行会导致执行批处理文件,同时显示命令行解释器实际执行的内容。现在,通过查看处理的命令行,可以快速找到代码中的错误。

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